WILDLIFE EMERGENCY: (720) 831-8130

We work to elevate the care and protection of native wildlife and their ecosystems through our wildlife hospital and rehabilitation center.

Call (720) 831-8130
As human populations spread across the front range, more and more people are encountering injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife. Every year more and more animals are found injured and alone. It can sometimes be difficult to determine if an animal actually needs to be brought into a wildlife hospital. We are here to help you and the animals you encounter! We will work together with you to determine if the situation calls for rescue or if further observation is needed.
The staff at the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Alliance are available seven days a week, 9 AM to 5 PM, to help provide assistance with wildlife emergencies. Please call 720-831-8130 to reach a knowledgeable staff member. If you do not reach someone right away, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
If you find a sick or injured wild animal or a baby animal in need of intervention, please contact us or a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area as soon as possible. Visit Animal Help Now to find the closest wildlife assistance to you. We also have a number of resources on our website to help the public. Visit our Wildlife Assistance section below for more info.
We are licensed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Colorado Parks and Wildlife to care for native wildlife.
Sometimes, well intentioned people will "rescue" an animal they believe is orphaned or in distress. Many times those animals need intervention but sometimes the best outcome for the animal is to be left alone. Before removing an animal from its natural environment, see the tips below:
Take Action if:
The animal is bleeding.
The animal is missing whole or part of a limb(s), or is unable to use its limb(s).
The animal looks underweight.
The animal is leaning, circling, losing balance, appears tame, is unresponsive, may be blind, has stiffening or twitching of limbs, or has rapid eye movement.
The animal has discharge from eyes, nose, ears, or mouth.
The animal has a foreign object or substance stuck to body part such as a plastic jar or grease.
The animal is in obvious danger from a dog or cat.
There are hazards like busy roads or parking lots.
The parents have been killed or seriously injured.
The nest or den has been destroyed.
A young raptor or bird still white and downy, that is found on the ground.
The animal is covered with flies, ants or other parasites.
Observe if:
The animal is moving periodically. You will need to do this from a distance.
The animal is eating. If so, it may be reluctant to leave its food. This is normal behavior.
It's a young animal. It may be out of the nest or den and exploring its environment while still being cared for by its parents. Check for parents you can see or hear nearby.
A wild animal's best chance of survival is to be raised by its wild parents in the wild.
Be ready to answer these questions:
Where is the animal located? (e.g. park, road, backyard) We may ask you for a specific address or location.
Why do you think the animal needs help?
Have you tried approaching the animal?
How close will the animal let you get?
Has the animal moved from its original position?
We may ask you to describe the animal in detail, especially if it is a bird. Identifying the species can help determine normal and abnormal behavior.
Is the animal alert and responsive, are the eyes bright when you approach?
Are there any obvious signs of injury? (Bleeding, broken limbs, etc.)
We will ask you to take a picture if possible. This will help us to evaluate the situation in even more detail.
Transporting Wildlife
If it is decided that an animal needs to come in for care, you will be asked to transport the animal to our wildlife hospital. All wild birds are protected by law. State and federal laws prohibit you from having any protected wildlife in your possession, even temporarily, unless you are transporting an injured animal to receive medical attention.
Call our main number at 720-831-8130 to notify our rehabilitation staff.
While transporting wildlife, remember:
Whisper or speak quietly.
Do not play your car radio.
Do not transport an animal in a person's lap, unboxed, or unrestrained. The animal can get loose and cause injury or damage.
If you are transporting a baby, keep the inside of the vehicle warm.
Do not make additional stops.